If you would like to know more the church, our programs, our vision and mission, and how to get involved? Then consider this your personal invitation for a meet up with Rev. Alan Nagel at the church or at your home. He will meet with you for an hour, share with you our history, how we are moving forward in the post pandemic word, our missional focus and then answer all of your questions.
Email: pastor@spence1umc.org
What are Service times:
9:30am   A Time to Gather in fellowship – Fellowship Hall
10:45am  Welcoming and Announcements – Sanctuary
10:50am  Worship
What should I expect?
“First and foremost, expect to experience God through the presence of the Holy Spirit. Secondly, expect to be warmly welcomed, just as you are.
Where to Park and Enter?
We have a fairly large parking lot on the south side of the church, but overflow parking is on the residential street to the north, and on the south side of the historic lumberyard. Â You may enter through the front (west facing) doors, or through the door off the parking lot which provides acces to both the sanctuary and the fellowship hall.
The Gathering
We gather together as the Shephard calls us all home for fellowship, studying the word, singing of hymns, giving praise to God and lifting one another in prayer. Â Prior to worship, some gather in the fellowship hall for coffee, conversation and more; while others gather in the Sanctuary. Â If we know you are coming, we will have a member prepared to greet you, help you find your way and introduce you to others.
Each worship service lasts approximately 70 minutes.  At the beginning, there are introductions, a welcoming by the Pastor and often a “get your attention” video message related to the them for that Sunday, followed by a hymn.  Our style of worship is considered blended, combing a few traditional elements with new and using music from the hymnal as well as current Christian contemporary.  Our dress code is “come as you are”.  We also do not single out guests but do expect to be warmly welcomed.
Children’s Lesson
About mid way through worship, we invite the children to come forward for a special children’s message and then they are lead by adult leaders to a class room behind the alter so that they can learn more about the lesson of that day, but on their level (and possibly have a donut).  They are returned to the congregation as we prepare for Holy Communion.
The Message
The pastor brings a biblically based message that brings the scriptures to life and contains practical application for today’s changing and confusing times.
Comfort / Cry rooms
We believe that Children of all ages are welcome in our sanctuary and to be part of the worship experience. Â We lovely room at the back of the sanctuary, should a parent decide that they need a few minutes in privacy while not missing out on the worship experience. Â We will also strive to accommodate any special needs if know in advance.
Following the Pastors message and offering, everyone is invited to receive Holy Communion.  We believe that everyone – members and guests, regardless of denomination or church background are welcome at the Lord’s Table.  The Pastor will provide direction at that time.
We have created a live worship experience through youtube (spencer1umc) where you can watch our services live each Sunday morning, or find a previously recorded service.
Location: we are located at the top of the hill at the east end of old town Spencer OK, directly on Spencer Road. Our campus includes the historic lumberyard on the south to the church with the steeple on the north and the parking lot in between.
Facilities: You will find our facilities to be welcoming, comfortable and safe for everyone in the family. We are a congregation on the move into the future, and have grand ideas for that future as we continue to grow.
Our Wesleyan traditions teach us that our works (our actions) are not about purchasing grace, but come out of our understanding of the gifts of Love, Grace and Salvation that God has blessed us in our lives. Those moments of being loved and forgiven unconditionally creates within us a desire to share those gifts and blessings with others and to pave the way for friends, neighbors, family and strangers to restore their relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
Love Feast – a periodic gathering to share a meal in followship while studying the word and singing a few songs of prayer.  Each gathering is on a different theme associated with the Church calendar.
Discipleship Groups: As we grow, we will be forming new Discipleship Groups who will meet together to intentionally study God’s word seeking to discern is practical application in today’s world
Missions:Â We support several missional programs designed to help others in our community and around the world to include contributions for a local food bank, collecting elementary school supplies, providing caps and gloves for small children in the winter time, and more. As our members as inspired, we support new efforts to spread the good new where we can.
Worship Stewards:Â There are many ways to help with the worship services, from greeters, to youth acolytes, scripture readers, A/V technology techs, communion stewards and more.
Leadership:Â If you are a musician, teacher, administrator, cook or posses any one of a number of other skills and are willing to put them to work, please discuss these gifts and talents with our Pastor, as we invite you to become active in the life and mission of this church.
Reaching Higher for Life Foundation was formed by members of this church (in partnership with Spencer1umc) to transform the historic lumberyard into a vibrant community center that is focused on children, family and community.
Membership is not a requirement, anyone and everyone is welcome to attend worship, participate in our missional projects and volunteer at any level. Membership is a gift one gives to themselves because of your belief and commitment to the mission and ministry of this church. When you are ready to make that commitment to serve God’s kingdom by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service and your witness. As a congregation, we will celebrate and acknowledge this commitment and the Pastor will prepare you for taking this bold yet beautiful step.
Spencer First United Methodist Church
5201 Palmer Ave
Spencer, OK. 73084
Oklahoma Conference
The United Methodist Church
The United Methodist Church
Reaching For Life Foundation
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